Winter Safety Advisory
By EMT Ken Sterner
January 20, 2016

Winter is finally here and over the next few days the forecast is for plenty of snow and the resultant icy conditions due to low temperatures. Here are some thoughts to consider before you venture out this week:

1. Dress for the weather. Wear appropriate shoes/boots for the conditions, layered clothing, gloves, hat, etc. And bundle up those kiddos!
See for more information.

2. Vehicle Preparedness: Is your vehicle winter-ready? For details, visit:

3. Walking in icy conditions: Be careful exiting the car. Check the area around you before stepping out. Walk slowly; plant your leading foot before lifting your lagging foot. Wear rubber-soled shoes/boots with the lowest heel possible. Walk on cleared paths as much as possible.

Taking these precautions can help reduce the likelihood that you will need emergency assistance during the upcoming storm.